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            Home > Products > Applications > Smart Workplace

            Smart Workplace

            Smart Workplace offers personalized, energy-efficient control for smart building units private areas.

            Product Features

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            Application scenario

            Our solution streamlines meeting room management. Users can book rooms via a mobile app or WeChat, access them with facial recognition, and enjoy optimized settings for different meetting scenarios. Data analytics improves resource allocation and boosts efficiency.

            Our solution streamlines meeting room management. Users can book rooms via a mobile app or WeChat, access them with facial recognition, and enjoy optimized settings for different meetting scenarios. Data analytics improves resource allocation and boosts efficiency.
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            Core technologies

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            smart workplace3.png
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            Success Case

            99久久国语露脸精品国产,国产一区二区三及黄色视频,亚洲AV秘 无码一区二区在线,在线观看欧美性爱 国产视频黄色观看 人妻无码中文字幕在线首页
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