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            Home > Products > Products > AI Face Interactive Pannel

            AI Face Interactive Pannel

            Provide face recognition terminals, 3D binocular face recognition access control machines, 32-bit fingerprint access control attendance machines. Solve access control or pedestrian management through two-dimensional code technology, RFID IOT, biometric identification technology, and so on.

            Product Features

            smart workplace2-2.png

            smart workplace2-2.png

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            Application scenario

            Intelligent buildings, office buildings, intelligent residential areas, enterprise factories, hospitals, hotels, park attractions and other office areas, storage places for important items 

            Intelligent buildings, office buildings, intelligent residential areas, enterprise factories, hospitals, hotels, park attractions and other office areas, storage places for important items 

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            Core technologies

            AI Face recognition technology, Edge Computing Technology

            AI Face recognition technology, Edge Computing Technology

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            Success Case

            99久久国语露脸精品国产,国产一区二区三及黄色视频,亚洲AV秘 无码一区二区在线,在线观看欧美性爱 国产视频黄色观看 人妻无码中文字幕在线首页
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