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            Home > Products > Platform > InDas AIoT Platform

            InDas AIoT Platform

            Das AIoT Platform integrates cloud-edge real-time data processing technology with cloud computing, artificial intelligence, big data, and the Internet of Things.

            The platform provides building managers and occupants with a real-time view of the integrated systems of the building. It helps facilities operate more efficiently by effectively improving buildings' energy use efficiency, reducing property management personnel's operating costs, and ensuring the efficient and safe operation of equipment.

            Product Features

            AIoT-Key Features.png

            AIoT-Key Features.png

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            Application scenario

            AIoT-Mobile APP.png

            AIoT-Mobile APP.png

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            Core technologies

            AIoT- 3D visualization digital twin.png

            AIoT- 3D visualization digital twin.png

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            Success Case

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